Search Engine Optimization

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If your business requires a website, search engine optimization (SEO) is not something you can ignore. People use search engines like Google to find products, services, and companies. Whether or not you’re on that first page of the search platform greatly determines how many clicks to your website and customers you’ll get. If you aren’t ranking for keywords in your industry, you’re missing out on new customers.

Plus, why pay thousands of dollars to have your website advertised, when you could be getting organic traffic by simply using the best SEO practices.

How It Works

We'll research keywords that will stand out to search engines and consumers using several online tools to look at metrics including competition (how easy a keyword is to rank for), volume, relevance, and seasonality (during which months the keyword is most searched for).

Implementing the keywords will never look or feel forced. We aim to include them within relevant copy throughout your posts, pages, or website so that your message doesn't feel repetitive.

One of the factors that improves your search ranking is the amount of content written on your website with searchable keywords in them. If you don't have a lot of content, we'll do the writing for you and seamlessly integrate it into your website, whether it's blog posts, a more in-depth about section, or customer reviews.

Backlinks are one of the more techy terms out there, but essentially what building backlinks means is that we'll get other website to link to yours, which will increase your ranking in search engines.

Why Do You Need This Service
This Service

Effective search engine optimization should allow you to see a huge increase in traffic to your website and to rank higher on search engines. We use a range of online tools and technical knowledge to determine the best keywords to use that will help you rank higher than competitors.

Diligent Research

Finding keywords that will help your website improve its organic search ranking is all about doing your research. We cross-reference several online tools to check key indicators of a keyword’s value: competition level and search volume. A keyword could have a low competition level, meaning it’s easy to rank for, but if there are only ten searches for this keyword each month, ranking high won’t bring you the traffic you need. Plus, there’s no guarantee that those two searches will then lead to clicks to your website. On the other hand, if you try and rank for a keyword with an extremely high search volume (good), but that’s very hard to rank for (bad), you could end up on the twentieth page of Google, which...face it, no one will be scrolling all the way through to find your business.

Natural Implementation

While it’s true that you want to use the target keywords as much as possible, it’s important that the implementation of these keywords does not feel forced. They should seamlessly blend into your website copy in a way that doesn’t feel obvious to the consumer. No one wants to read the same keyword ten times in one paragraph. We avoid redundancy by maximizing placement of the keywords. Maybe this means we have to make a blog section for your startup or add an additional page for your services. We will go above and beyond the traditional SEO route to make the implementation feel natural and to keep your website looking polished and professional.

Analyzing and Reflecting

No good services would be complete without looking at the results. That’s why each month we’ll reflect on how our search engine optimization has improved your business and address any concerns you may have about the process. Our analytics help us see which keywords are ranking the strongest and how much traffic they’re bringing your business.


Want to start getting more traffic to your website organically? Let us do the research, planning, and implementation of the right keywords, backlinks, and website optimization, and you’ll start seeing your traffic explode. Here’s some information we’ll need:

  • Google Analytics account information
  • Website platform login
  • Your industry or niche
  • Customer demographic information or database
  • Your ideal timeframe
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