Snapchat Ads

Why Use E-mail Marketing

Did you know that, according to a recent study in 2018, Snapchat had roughly 186 million daily active users?

And according to the Pew Research Center, 78% of American internet users ages 18 to 24 used Snapchat in 2018.

Plus, the cost per click to advertise on Snapchat is less than other social media platforms like Instagram, Facebook, and Pinterest.

Using snapchat ads effectively can help your company or brand to connect with consumers on a deeper level that feels like it seamlessly integrates into their social and digital lives.

Are Snapchat ads the missing component of your digital business strategy?

Setting up a Snapchat campaign can help you funnel leads further into your sales funnel, increase brand awareness and loyalty, and help you communicate important announcements to consumers.

When you work with us, we’ll help set up Snapchat ads that fit your business goals and values.

How It Works

We'll help you create a professional and optimized profile which you can seamlessly integrate/ link to on your website and other social platforms.

All of our ads are high quality, ratio-optimized, and always customized to fit your brand's aesthetic.

All of our ads will be carefully placed on the consumers' screens based on the demographic information of your customer database.

Why Do You Need This Service
This Service

Our Snapchat ad services are personalized for each client so that we can provide the right type of ads for a diverse range of audiences and budgets.

Simple and Time-Saving Distribution

Snapchat ads allows you to target thousands of consumers at the touch of a button.

Cost Effective

Advertising on Snapchat is a lot cheaper than other social media platforms, like Pinterest, Instagram, and Facebook.

Real Time Tracking and Analytics

Snapchat campaigns allow us to monitor and tweak ongoing ad campaigns in order to optimize for your set conversion.

Expansive Reach

You can reach a lot more people quickly using email newsletter than you would with traditional forms of marketing. Seventy-two percent of email users check their inboxes more than six times a day and 92 percent of internet users have at least one email account. Your target audience can be reached on their phones, computers, and iPads within minutes of sending an email.

Try A Snapchat Ad

One of the best ways to see how powerful Snapchat ads can really be is to get started with a campaign today! Let us do the hard work of setting up the campaign, and you can watch as your sales and brand loyalty skyrocket.


Our social media marketing team specializes in Snapchat ad content creation, budget optimization, targeting certain demographics, and creating ads for specific types of conversions. Here are some more ways that SeedX uses Snapchat

  • Creation Of Snapchat Stories
  • Branded Content
  • Longterm Campaign Strategy Setup And Management
  • Seamless Integration
  • Insights and Reporting On A Monthly Basis
  • Influencer Collaboration
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