Email Marketing

Going for the Gold: How to Build Your Email List


You’re seeking to gain subscribers, connect with customers, and increase brand awareness. But business is sluggish.

Has building your email list been a top priority?

Believe it or not, email marketing is still one of the most effective platforms for engaging with prospective consumers, so growing your email list is essential to expanding your business.

So, what is an email list?

Simply put, it’s a list of email addresses organizations compile and use to send visitors relevant information, updates, and promotions.

three people using a computer and sending an email


But just how important is it? Even in the dominating social media age, email is the most viable platform to connect with consumers. A study by McKinsey found that email is nearly 40 times more effective at customer acquisition than social media services like Facebook and Twitter.

Why? Well, email remains a heavily used platform – 91% of US consumers still use email on a daily basis. For further proof on the importance of email marketing, check out more incredible statistics here.

Top business owners, founders, and marketing specialists support the merit of email. Nathalie Lussier, digital strategist at AccessAlley, highlights key reasons to embrace email lists. She says, “Building an email list is crucial because it’s the best way to build a relationship with potential customers in an intimate way…the more people you have on your mailing list, the more potential buyers see your marketing messages, and I see spikes in sales every time I send an email. Plus, when you build an email list it’s “yours” – you don’t have to worry about a third party changing the rules on you.” Explore this article for more expert explanations on the value of email lists.

There are numerous ways to encourage visitors to subscribe to your emails. Let’s uncover some effective strategies to building a strong database.

1-Create a Compelling Lead Magnet

Entice visitors with a highly desirable incentive. Provide an offer that will elicit instant excitement and urge people to submit their information. Make sure you utilize gated content (visitor must enter their email address to access the offer). A successful lead magnet will provide an attainable solution to a real problem with practical, digestible information. High-value rewards include free webinars, quizzes, and giveaways. Check out our recent blog for ideas and guidance on creating a successful lead magnet.

2-Keep Opt-in Forms Minimal

This is one instance where less is more. You don’t want to deter visitors from subscribing, so steer clear from too many form fields on opt-in forms. Asking for excessive information can actually decrease conversion rates. Figure out what information is most necessary to request. For example, asking only for an email address and a first name (for personalized emails) is a great bet for increasing chances of sign-ups.

3-Answer Questions on Quora/Other Reputable Forums

Take advantage of your expertise on respectable, popular Q&A sites like Quora. Provide answers to topics connected to your lead magnet and add a link to your optin landing page. You can also comment on blog posts and partake in linkedin groups and other trustworthy forums. Make the process efficient by conducting specific searches on subject matters related to your brand. Participating in this capacity will help you engage with the online community, demonstrate your credibility, and draw people to your business.

4-Empower Current Leads to Spread the Word

Referrals can get you far. So, utilize the resources you already have. Include sharing buttons to your lead magnets, email signature, and thank you page. You can also encourage existing subscribers to forward your emails by adding an “Email to a Friend” button. Let your current leads help you in expanding your network. For further guidance on this useful marketing strategy, click here.

5-Publicize on your Social Media Channels

Your social media presence can seriously help you. There’s a lot you can do! Link your optin landing page in the bios of your social media profiles. Promote your lead magnets on platforms like Twitter and Facebook – requiring an email address in exchange for your offer. You can even share email archives on channels so people can immediately see the benefits of joining your list. Pinterest is a wonderful platform to advertise your content; design compelling images with relevant links to your website. Bolster this plan by sharing your pins on your other social media profiles! 

6-Use Social Proof – Display Customer Testimonials

Social proof, a socio-psychological phenomenon where people use the behavior of others to justify their own decisions, is a powerful marketing technique that can help you build your email list. In order to feel secure in their decision-making, people want verification from unbiased consumers before purchasing a product. Present the most favorable testimonials from previous customers on your site. A Nielsen study explores the extent to which people trust various forms of advertising. Research found that 70% of people trust opinions from other consumers online. Think about big companies like Amazon that heavily broadcast customer ratings and reviews. Positive reviews will reinforce the value of your business/brand. Other variations on the concept of social proof include consumer case studies, media mentions, as well as product statistics and information like “number of orders,” and “best-sellers.” Just make sure you’re only utilizing these tools if you have positive and higher amounts of social proof.

7-Segment your Email Lists

Segmentation is the key to personalization. Cater content to a specific visitor’s interests and needs. Categories include demographics (age, gender, geographical location) and email update preferences (newsletters, promotions). A simple way to target audiences is by providing a selection of multiple lead magnets. For instance, if your offer is supplying meal plans, you could provide three kinds of meal plans – catering to different lifestyles, routines, culinary tastes, and dietary restrictions – then allowing your visitors to choose the best match for them. The lead magnets don’t have to be drastically different; they should be distinctive enough to appeal to various audiences. Segmentation is an excellent way to exhibit versatility, reach a wide-ranging audience, and grow your network.

8-Include Dynamic Call-to-Action Buttons

Call-to-Action (CTA) buttons, an important step in the buyer’s journey, prompt visitors to take the next course of action. An effective CTA will increase the chances of user conversion. When creating a CTA, pay close attention to both content and visual elements – graphics, background color, surrounding images/text – to make it jump out. For example, Netflix’s CTA button “Watch Free for 30 Days” is simple yet strategic. It utilizes the free trial incentive and offers a concise description directly above – “Watch anywhere. Cancel anytime.” In addition, the CTA button has a red color that matches the Netflix logo. The visuals are enticing yet easy on the eye. Where should you add CTA buttons? Include them on every landing page of your website. Add them to your social media channels, such as your Facebook Business Page. There’s plenty of places to incorporate CTA buttons and encourage visitors to take the next step.

9-Embrace Face-to-Face Networking

You don’t have to solely rely on the internet to initiate signups. Mix it up by incorporating more traditional marketing practices. There’s a multitude of in-person arenas to introduce your business and familiarize people with your brand. Trade shows, seminars, and educational panels are all great events to promote your services, demonstrate your expertise, and establish personal connections. Gather email addresses in exchange for the information you offer at the events. After importing the contact information to your database, confirm their opt-in with a welcome email.

10-Add Exit Popups

Exit popups are a great way to increase user conversions. It’s one last effort to win visitors over. You can even add one to every page on your website. There are many strategies you can utilize to create a compelling and convincing popup. Let’s take a look at a few.

• Use the visitor’s name. This is a simple but effective way to reach a visitor and establish more of a personal connection.

• Present a few options on the popup. This allows you to maximize your chances of keeping a visitor on board. After they’ve made a selection, provide them with an opt-in form that contains a lead magnet based on their interests.

• Create a sense of urgency. Give your visitors a reason to act now! Providing a deadline will encourage them to make an immediate decision. For example, incorporate countdowns or limited deals if appropriate.

For more hacks on creating a powerful exit popup, check out this article here.

There you go! As you can see, a strong email list is vital for developing any successful business. From segmentation to social proof, there are a multitude of ways to build your network.  Now that you have the tools to thrive, what’s stopping you? Ready, set, grow!