Email Marketing

How to Set Up Your First Lead Magnet


Why You Need Lead Magnets 

If you haven’t read up on what a lead magnet is, you can check out our post here. Or maybe you know the importance of a lead magnet, but don’t how to go about setting up your first lead magnet. In this article, we’ll be breaking down the process of setting up your own first lead magnet that’s simple and effective so you can:

-Grow your email list 

-Segment your audience 

-Know which landing pages are working 


Lead Magnet Ideas 

With so many choices of lead magnets to create and software to implement them on your website, you might feel overwhelmed. Luckily, we’ve tried a bunch of different lead magnet options so we know what works and what doesn’t work. 

Here are some good lead magnet ideas:  


-Quiz or assessment 

-Worksheet or workbook 

-Workflow or roadmap 


-Free trial 

-Mini course 

Opt-in Forms 

Maybe you know the importance of email marketing and how to write engaging emails. But just as important as catchy subject lines and valuable content, is growing your email subscriber list. In fact, because email marketing is one of the most cost effective forms of digital marketing, you constantly want to be growing your email list, even in your sleep. That’s where an email opt-in lead magnet help. Basically it’s a pop up or sign up located somewhere on your website that provides customers with something valuable (such as a discount, free checklist, access to a media library etc.) in exchange for his or her email address. 

Here are some examples of email opt-in lead magnets we’ve created for our clients: 


Prize Wheel Lead Magnet 

This spin wheel lead magnet incentives consumers to give the brand their email addresses in exchange for discounts. This is a great option for e-commerce stores because in just a couple of months, provided you have enough website traffic, you can grow your email subscriber list by hundreds or even thousands. 

Discount Lead Magnet 

This discount pops up whenever someone navigates to the home page of Dominique Cosmetics. Like Zoe Organics, Dominique Cosmetics is an e-commerce site that sells makeup so a discount on products. 


We’re going to show you how to set up your first lead magnet using a simple discount email pop up in a few steps. 


Step one: create a Mailchimp account

Mailchimp is an easy-use email marketing platform you can use to create pop up forms for your website. If you have under 2,000 email contacts, you can use Mailchimp for free and after that, the pricing starts at $9.99 per month.

Step two: create a new campaign

In Mailchimp, navigate to where it says “create,” which will bring up a bunch of options as shown below. Scroll to the bottom and select “signup form,” 

Step three: select the email list you want to build

Below is an example of a blogger’s email list (she only has one). If you’re just getting started with lead magnets, chances are you also only have one email list. 

Step four: edit the content

Let the consumers know what they’re getting in exchange for providing you with their email addresses. In this case, every time a person puts their email address in, he or she is given a free Instagram ebook guide. Mailchimp lets you customize colors and fonts (although there are a limited number of fonts to chose front). You can also upload your own image and change the form settings to say whatever you’d like.

Tip: it’s always a good idea to keep the email address field the same, but customize the button—in this case it has been changed to say “send me the guide” in a color that matches this blogger’s branding. 

Step five: copy the embed code

This part might look super techy, but don’t be alarmed. All you have to do is copy and paste this code onto the page of your website (this is called embedding) in which you want to insert the lead magnet.  

Step six: test the page out

You always want to make sure your lead magnet is working properly. So we recommend opening a new navigation page in your browser and heading to the exact url that the lead magnet is located on. If the form pops up asking you for your email in exchange for your free guide, checklist, template etc., you’re good to go. 

Now you can sit back as you watch new email subscribers fill your list. If you’r not getting enough traffic to your website to see an increase in email subscribers, you might want to amp up your SEO game. Check out some of our SEO tips here!